The first day, we explored the classroom and discussed the classroom philosophy. Students also had a chance to share a little bit about themselves with me and the class. It was wonderful to meet all the students in 6M! What a great group. I have no doubt that we will have an excellent year together.
Exciting news:
Our classroom is furnished with new furniture. Over the summer we received new standing desks, tall chairs, rocking chairs and working tables. This year, students are learning in style.
Edmodo is up and running. This will be used as a student agenda throughout the year. I will explain the how to use the program at Meet the Teacher night. Students should be checking Edmodo regularly for homework.
Meet The Teacher
I hope to meet you all September 15th. There are two time slots to choose from: 5:00-5:30pm and 5:30-6:00pm. If you cannot attend Meet the Teacher and have a few questions or would like to touch-base, feel free to send me an e-mail at:
Mme. Mueller