
Friday 27 November 2015

End of November

Here's what we've been up to:

Our First Field Trip is Coming!

December 4th, students will have the opportunity to go to the Manitoba Museum for an all day field trip.  At the museum, students will explore the science gallery, view a science demo introducing our next unit: electricity, view a planetarium show that describes the planets and technology in space as well as the chance to view the historical section of the museum and learn about Canada's past.  It will be a very full day.

Please send students to school with a non-microwavable lunch.  There is nowhere to purchase lunch at the museum.

Here is the link to the permission click website if you still haven't given permission for your child to attend:

Sewing Success

All of the stuffed monsters have been completed in for our art project - and they look great.  Well done!


Mission Impossible

Last week students were tasked with a mission to build a prototype container strong enough to protect a rocket's fuel supply from impact on take-off.  The mission was made even more difficult, almost impossible, by limiting students building supplies to cardboard, popsicle sticks, toothpicks, glue and tape that they had to purchase with the limited budget of 10 class dollars.  Students used their adding and subtracting decimals skills as well as their problem-solving skills to overcome these challenges and build their prototype.  All structures were tested with our model rocket that same day!  Ask your son or daughter if his or her structure survived.


Warmed and Read

PreviewReading Celebration Day was great fun.  Students spent the day lounging in their pajamas and snuggled in their blankets reading.  Students read to themselves, they read in groups, they read in French and English and they also listened to short stories and novels being read to them.  In the afternoon, everyone enjoyed a warm beverage (marshmallows included!)
READO - (the at home reading BINGO sheet) is due Monday

Saturday 14 November 2015

Mid- November

Here’s what we are up to:

Annie Bergen

A local artist, Annie Bergen, is coming to our school.  Annie specializes in creating large, elaborate murals with students.  All students in Van Walleghem will participate in both designing and painting a giant mural that will welcome those who enter the main doors of the school.  The kick off assembly for Annie is on Monday!


Students have now completed the unit on understanding decimal numbers.  We are now diving into adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing decimal numbers.  Students are learning multiple methods for each operation in order to build a large range of strategies with which to solve problems.


Congratulations to 6M!  Students presented their space technology or astronaut last week.  Students were able to demonstrate their expertise and teach the class about their topic.  Students now have knowledge about the first man, woman and even animal in space as well as an understanding or many of the satellite and space ship technology that surrounds our planet.

Social Studies

We are beginning explore Canada’s heritage and it’s birth as a country.   We will tackle some large questions such as: How, why and when did Canada become a country?  How what did Canada look like at confederation? And, how has Canada changed over the years?



Up to now students have been doing “quick writes” where they write for short periods of time, but continuously (and about various topics).  Quick writes help build students’ confidence in writing, helps stimulate students’ ideas for writing and also helps build writing stamina.  We have also been using an editing technique called RADAR (Reread, Add, Delete, And, Reorganize) with “quick writes”. Students are learning how to edit their writing not just for grammar, but also for their content and ideas.

Recently, students have started a Writer’s Workshop where they will use their new skills in a longer piece of writing that they will eventually publish in a classroom paper.  Ask your son or daughter what his or her title is for the fairy-tale newspaper article.

In addition, students have started a weekly journal.  Every week, I give students a new choice of topics to write about in their journal.  This is now a weekly homework assignment that will continue for the majority of the year.  Most topics involve critical thinking and correspond with what we are discussing in class.


Reading month is going very well.  Most students’ crazy reading pictures are on the wall and we even have two students who have already finished their READO!  Book Club will be starting next week now that all the books have come in.  Stay tuned for more information about the end-of-the-month reading celebration.


The Totally Unbelievable Speaking Club (or OH in French) has started!  Hopefully you have already seen the Tusc/OH duo-tang.  Students are asked to prepare a presentation to the rest of the class approximately every two weeks.  Each time, the speaking role changes so that students have the opportunity to present on a wide variety of topics and in multiple formats.  Public speaking is an important life-skill and the best way to build confidence is to practice. The first OH (which means this time it’s in French), is Friday, November 20th. 

Monday 2 November 2015

November is Reading Month!


Reading Appreciation Month!


November is reading appreciation month!  There will be a plethora of reading activities this month to inspire the love of reading:

  • I Love to Read Everywhere Photo Board – students take a picture of themselves reading in crazy ways (upside down, while playing hockey, under a table etc…) and we post it in the class to boost excitement for reading. 

  • READO – similar to BINGO, students are asked to accomplish a number of reading tasks at home.  Once they’ve accomplished the task, please sign or initial in the space.  Students who fill their READO card by the end of the month get a prize.

  • Extra free reading time in class – our 15 minutes a day per language is extended to 20 minutes!

  • We will start Book Club – students will read novels in small groups and share their thoughts and ideas with each other.
  • The end of the month will bring a reading celebration – we spend the day reading and doing reading activities while relaxing in our PJs and sipping on hot cups of hot chocolate with marshmallows.

End of October

We had an exciting end to October.  Here’s what we were up to:



The Trap Door

 Students wrote a short story describing, “What is under our Classroom’s Trapdoor?” On Thursday, students discovered the truth of the trap door. Ask your son or daughter what he or she saw. 


Monster Stories a Success

 Students wrote a story using the ideas from their grade one buddy.  On Friday, they had the chance to read their monster story to their partner.   It was an excellent demonstration of leadership. Even more, students left with the feeling of accomplishment in their French writing.   Good work 6M!



Dry Ice Halloween Surprise

 Friday, students donned their oven mitts and dove into the scientific world of experiential learning and exploration with dry ice (frozen CO2).  We had volcanoes erupting, mist spewing and even rockets blasting!  


Monday 19 October 2015

Mid - October

The Federal Election
Students had their electoral debate Thursday and participated in a StudentVote election.  The debate was filled with platform promises, speeches, arguments, counter-arguments, and of course, a lot of passion!
The outcome of the StudentVote election will be revealed publicly to media for broadcast on election night, October 19th.  Students will have the chance to see how they voted but also how students voted across Canada.

Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra
The WSO brass band came to Van Walleghem!  Students had a chance to learn about each instrument as well as hear some talented musicians play their favorite pieces.  What great inspiration for this year in Band!

Author Visit
We have the profound privilege of having a MYRCA novel author visit our school on Wednesday, October 21st.  Jennifer Dance is the author of Red Wolf, a beautifully written novel that describes the 8 year journey of a boy in the residential school system of Canada. 
Students will be learning about Residential Schools before the presentation as preparation.  If you would like more information about Jennifer Dance or Residential Schools, here is an excellent website: