Our First Field Trip is Coming!
Please send students to school with a non-microwavable lunch. There is nowhere to purchase lunch at the museum.
Here is the link to the permission click website if you still haven't given permission for your child to attend:
Sewing Success
All of the stuffed monsters have been completed in for our art project - and they look great. Well done!
Mission Impossible
Last week students were tasked with a mission to build a prototype container strong enough to protect a rocket's fuel supply from impact on take-off. The mission was made even more difficult, almost impossible, by limiting students building supplies to cardboard, popsicle sticks, toothpicks, glue and tape that they had to purchase with the limited budget of 10 class dollars. Students used their adding and subtracting decimals skills as well as their problem-solving skills to overcome these challenges and build their prototype. All structures were tested with our model rocket that same day! Ask your son or daughter if his or her structure survived.
Warmed and Read
READO - (the at home reading BINGO sheet) is due Monday